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Testimonies of Healing

My four-year-old daughter had...

From the May 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My four-year-old daughter had every evidence of having appendicitis, and although she had the help of a Christian Science practitioner for ten days, she did not improve much; however, the pain was eased and she did not suffer greatly. My husband, not being a student of Christian Science, began to feel that he would like the advice of a physician. Three prominent physicians were called in turn, and each diagnosed the case as acute appendicitis beyond any doubt, and said that an operation was necessary within an hour, as she was in a very critical condition. They also warned us that if she recovered without an operation, which they did not consider possible, the trouble would recur until she was operated upon; and at the best it would not be a year until we should have this same experience to go through again.

The practitioner came to the house, and we talked the matter over and felt that, considering that my husband did not understand Christian Science enough to trust it as I did, it was only right to let him decide what should be done. It was a hard problem for him; but after nearly an hour's deliberation, with his thought unprejudiced and wishing to do only what was right, he said: "I feel that I should rather trust my baby to God than to a surgeon's knife. Show me what to do to help." This childlike trust was a great encouragement to the practitioner and to me. In about two hours the child seemed brighter; but the faithful practitioner decided to remain overnight, and continued with her work until about four o'clock, when the child was perfectly normal and rested quietly until morning. There was great rejoicing in our home, for the child was perfectly healed except for a slight weakness, which soon disappeared, and we realized that God's ever-presence and power had been demonstrated to us, and a human, mortal law proved powerless when combated with God's law.

This incident occurred eight years ago, and there has never been the slightest recurrence of the trouble, proving again that divine healing is complete and enduring; and as Paul says, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."—

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