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From the May 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The teaching of Christian Science has unlocked the Scriptures in their spiritual meaning, and through the daily study of our Lesson-Sermons we are gaining a wonderful insight into the Bible. Truth dawns on the understanding as thought grows more spiritual, and we learn to separate the history of material men, in the Biblical accounts, from the absolute truth about God and man, which, revealed in the first chapter of Genesis, runs like a golden thread through the whole Bible. The Bible as a material history is little more to us than any other history, unless, as Mrs. Eddy has pointed out, we seek for the spiritual interpretation.

Mrs. Eddy says in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 271), "Christ's Christianity is the chain of scientific being reappearing in all ages, maintaining its obvious correspondence with the Scriptures and uniting all periods in the design of God." The first revelation of "Christ's Christianity," which we have in the Scriptures, is the genesis or beginning of spiritual creation and of man in God's image and likeness. All subsequent revelations affirm and sustain this foundational spiritual fact. Thus, this truth is further sustained as law, through Moses, in the Ten Commandments. It is still further accentuated through Christ Jesus, in the two great commandments,—love to God and love to man; and he taught that obedience to this law should be actively expressed in loving our neighbor as ourselves. Then again in the Apocalypse, through the inspired thought of John, the beloved disciple, there is revealed the holy city, a state of spiritual consciousness attainable only through overcoming everything unlike the perfect creation; and the song of the redeemed is the song of Moses and the Lamb. So, from Genesis to Revelation we can trace the "design of God;" and to-day, divine Science unites all Scriptural teaching, revealing to us the unity of the whole, in the Science of Christianity.

As we learn to interpret spiritually these great revelations of "Christ's Christianity," we realize that they form the fundamental rules of divine Science, and that the spiritual progress of mankind has been gained only through obedience to these laws of spiritual being. The contribution that this age has made to spiritual unfoldment is the spiritual interpretation of these laws, and their demonstration through obedience. This is a scientific age, which demands a scientific religion; and so, the revelation has come as Christian Science, the Science of Life, revealing Christianity as Science. The need of mankind is to learn to utilize this revelation for the overcoming of evil. No new law has been discovered; but, through the inspired thought of a prophet of to-day, the Science of the practical application of spiritual law has been revealed. Newton and other scientists discovered certain so-called laws, and deduced from them certain correlative facts. Men then reached out and made use of these facts, and have been able to overcome many limitations of time and space, and thus to advance civilization. The Romans might have had electric light, but many discoveries were first necessary in the long years between the Roman lamp and the modern blaze of electricity. So, with mankind in his search for God. Had the ages responded more quickly to spiritual revelations, understood and obeyed them, we should be nearer than we are to the solution of world problems. But there have always been those, spiritually in advance of their age, who have been true to the heavenly vision, and have carried forward the torch of spiritual reality.

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