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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science...

From the November 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian Science when I saw my father healed by its means. We were in a city some distance from our home when he was taken sick. When the physicians told me he could not live, Christian Science treatment was given; with the result that within a few hours he arose, and we returned to our home. As there were no disastrous results from this act, I knew Christian Science must be divine; so I began to read the literature and attend the church.

I have been healed of a severe bowel trouble that followed typhoid fever and had lasted over twenty years. My parents had sought every known means to cure this disease, but in vain. Just when this healing took place I do not know. This I do know, that when I began to study Christian Science I was suffering from this trouble, but I became so entirely free from it that I had forgotten it until reminded of the healing by my mother a short time ago.

I have also been freed from the necessity of wearing glasses. This, too, came about so gradually and naturally that I was not aware of it until I was obliged to prove that I was healed. My glasses had broken, and I had not had them mended because I found that I saw clearly without them; and I therefore gave this matter no further consideration. But a peculiar circumstance made it necessary for me to have a reason for not needing glasses. Having taken this position, I had to prove it; and I had not a clear mental concept of how the change had come about. This proving was not accomplished without a struggle. I studied the Lesson-Sermon every morning before going to the office, used my noon hour to protect my faith, and prayed earnestly for understanding. Then one Wednesday evening I heard a testimony given in church that gave me the knowledge I sought. The one giving the testimony had had the same difficulty to overcome that I had had; and when he said that the healing had come to him as he realized that sight does not depend on physical structure, since it is a quality of divine Mind, and that the disease to which he had been subject was a mortal belief, which could not dominate the spiritual idea, which is governed by God,—then, and not until then, a reason for my own healing was given to me, and I understood clearly why I no longer needed glasses.

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