Out of the land of Moab Ruth came forth;
Turned from each thought that urged her tarry still
Among strange gods and clinging human ties.
She chose the God of Israel for her own;
Nor cast a saddened, lingering look behind,
But ever journeyed on the road that seemed
To lead her to a clearer sense of good.
The still unruffled chambers of her thought
Opened to give, and take,—and give again;
No idleness nor clamor entered there
To steal her sheaves and rob her of her own,
But loving work, and gladness to sit still,—
Because she trusted 'neath the wing of God.
And so she took her place with Rachel, Leah,
"Which two did build the house of Israel;"
And in her tender love did she discern
That down the ages which were yet unborn
The little one she clasped, and watched, and loved,
Should be a link in that long chain of thought
Which found fulfillment in the Holy Child?

[Written for the Journal]
From the November 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal