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From the November 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The reply made on one occasion by Christ Jesus to those trying to confuse him has a direct pertinency to the question of obedience to the law. In response to the query, "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cæsar, or not?" looking at a coin of the realm, he asked his interrogators, "Whose is this image and superscription?" When they replied, "Cæsar's," he said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

Did not the Nazarene in his reply plainly indicate that obedience was to be rendered to constituted authority, even though, as in this instance, it were based upon a power other than divine will? Cæsar exercised the sovereignty of Rome, and, accordingly, his authority commanded obedience. But nothing in this incident should be construed as indicating that Christ Jesus taught that material law, as such, in any wise deserved obedience.

Christian Scientists strive gratefully to obey God's law so far as revealed to them; for they know that only by such obedience is progress Spiritward made. They also obey the laws of their respective countries, thus serving as model citizens in upholding the expressed will of the people. But such obedience by no means precludes the right to seek by all just means the annulment of laws which are unjust because restrictive of human liberty. With a desire to give full obedience to God, Christian Scientists strive to advance every righteous cause by which the reign of divine law is made manifest.

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