For thirty years I had been a sufferer, in bed the greater part of that time. I had several doctors diagnose my case, but they all differed as to what ailed me. Finally, the last physician said if I would submit to an operation, I would be a well woman. I had suffered so many years that I would have done almost anything to gain health. I submitted to this operation; but, instead of improving, my condition was worse than before, as infection set in and I was informed there was no known cure for that kind of infection. I was also told that I would never walk without crutches. I was in a very helpless condition, and very much discouraged.
One day, when I was suffering more than usual, the thought came to me, Why should I take medicine, since it does not even relieve the pain? So I threw it into the fireplace, and turned to God for help. That day one of His messengers brought me "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I began the study of Christian Science. The result is, that I am in better health than I ever was before. I have also been healed of influenza in an aggravated form. The latter healing was accomplished in three hours, with only one treatment. Chronic neuritis and chronic bowel trouble of many years' standing, and paralysis of the lower bowel, have also been overcome. I am more grateful every day to know God aright; that I can live this beautiful religion; and that I have learned how to work out my own salvation. I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the wonderful legacy she has left to mankind, and to the practitioner who so lovingly helped me. Last, but not least, I am grateful to the dear little messenger who led me to this light.—Akron, Ohio.