It is with deep gratitude that I acknowledge the healing of our two children through Christian Science of chicken pox, measles, and diphtheria. These ills presented themselves at different times, and were quickly healed through Christian Science treatment, leaving no evil after effects whatever. While there was a manifestation of the various symptoms throughout the second day, the suffering and pain were destroyed almost at once. Not only was the disease destroyed, but there came to the children a higher and clearer understanding of Truth through these experiences. A case of mumps was quickly overcome at another time; and while the swelling lasted until the third day, the pain was gone within one hour after the first complaint. Like Daniel and Paul, of Bible times, we have had our den of lions and our poisonous viper in different forms; but we have always come out of each experience unharmed, and with a clearer, more perfect vision of the truth that makes free.
I rejoice in the privilege of finding that Christian Science is adequate to take care of any situation in our home, and does meet all human needs.—St. Louis, Mo.