About thirteen years ago I was a great sufferer from gallstones, acute indigestion, spasms, and congestion. The last was so severe that the physician could give me no relief. Although I had been under his treatment for three months, I was growing worse all the time. Knowing of wonderful healings through Christian Science in my sister's family, in desperation I asked a practitioner for treatment for the spasms and congestion. The spasms were healed instantly; and in less than two weeks the congestion was overcome. Later I asked for help for acute indisgestion, which was healed completely. Then the gallstones were healed, and I have been free from all these ills ever since.
We have continued to receive great blessings from the study of Christian Science. A daughter was healed of acute indigestion by the truth revealed through Mrs. Eddy's hymn "O gentle presence, peace and joy and power" (Poems, p. 4). Before the hymn was finished she was quiet and ready for sleep. A badly scalded arm was healed without a blister appearing to show that the arm had been scalded. A healing of rheumatism was very wonderful. The patient was in bed and could not move, even to feed himself. In a week's time he was healed of this trouble, and later he was healed of a critical attack of appendicitis in two treatments. I have seen cures from double pneumonia, typhoid pneumonia, heart trouble, dementia præcox which noted doctors had pronounced incurable, and from complete nervous prostration. Besides these healings the comfort and peace we receive through the study of Christian Science are most wonderful. In sorrow, poverty, trials of every kind, I have proved that God is "a very present help in trouble."
I am so grateful for membership in The Mother Church and First Church of Christ, Scientist, here; also for class instruction, which has been a great blessing to me. To be worthy of working in the field means much to me; and I pray that I may be able to do more for this blessed truth.—Louisville, Ky.