Early in the year 1902, I was given to understand that my services would no longer be needed as a public school teacher, owing to the fact that I had been pronounced tubercular by two physicians. I returned to my home very much discouraged, and shortly afterwards had a hemorrhage for the second time. Besides this, I wore eyeglasses for a complication of eye troubles, and suffered greatly at times from an injured spine.
I was acquainted with only one Christian Scientist, and knew almost nothing about Christian Science; but to please my mother I agreed to take one week's treatment; and at the end of that time I was absolutely well. I have had no need for eyeglasses since. My work as a teacher was resumed during that same school term, and I continued teaching until three years ago, when I resigned in order to engage in other work. Christian Science has been my only physician through all these years. It has met my needs, and brought to me spiritual light and joy such as I had never before known.
My heart goes out in gratitude and love to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her life of consecration, through which she was enabled to give us this scientific religion.—Chestnut Hill, Mass.