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Testimonies of Healing

"The eternal God is thy refuge...

From the September 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms," we read in Deuteronomy. Through the teachings of Christian Science I have been able to prove the truth of these words many times.

As an expression of gratitude, I wish to tell of some of the benefits that I have received through the study of Christian Science. During the summer of 1911, I had a severe attack of appendicitis, accompanied with peritonitis and other complications. The attending physician said it was the worst case he had had during his nineteen years' practice. Because he said I could not live unless I submitted to an operation, I asked for help in Christian Science. I had two treatments, and received instantaneous help. A year and a half later there was a recurrence of this difficulty, due to fear that crept in while I was off guard. The lessons from our Quarterly, as well as the Christian Science periodicals, I had left untouched for weeks, thinking I would have time for them later on. It was then that I learned we must seek "first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added" unto us. The practitioner said, "You will never have this fear, nor this disease, again." She spoke "as one having authority," and I never have had them.

I have also been healed of ivy poisoning, hay fever, and ptomaine poisoning. In each case from one to three treatments were all that were required. I am profoundly grateful for every physical healing, but more grateful for the spiritualization of thought which must take place before we can really be healed physically.

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