If the teachings of Christian Science, as discovered and founded by Mary Baker Eddy, did not contain the absolute truth about God and man's relation to Him, I should not be here to give this testimony. In August, 1916, I was healed by Christian Science treatment, and raised from what was expected to be my deathbed, after two doctors in consultation had failed to relieve the condition in the slightest degree. During the practitioner's first visit an ice bag was removed from my head, and a severe headache of three weeks' duration, caused by the high fever, disappeared. In a very short time I was entirely healed.
I have been healed of constantly recurring colds; and the fear of appendicitis has been completely destroyed. On one occasion one of my hands was caught between the rollers of an electric wringer, and before I realized what was happening the four fingers and the hand had gone in as far as the place where the thumb joins the hand. Then I thought of the reverse lever and quickly turned it, and the hand came out again. However, this method of getting the hand out caused it to go through the wringer twice. In spite of the severe pain that was crying out for all of my attention, the "scientific statement of being," as given to us by Mrs. Eddy on page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," came clearly to my thought, and I repeated it on my way upstairs to the telephone, where I called a practitioner. She talked to me a few minutes, and then said she would give me a treatment. I immediately returned to my work and finished it, which took perhaps two hours. I used the hand in a perfectly natural and normal way, and was never at any time inconvenienced by it. There was a small mark on one nail and one finger, but these marks were so slight that no one else knew they were there. With one treatment the healing was complete.
I am, of course, very grateful for all the physical healings that have come to me through Christian Science, for they prove the truth of the Bible statement, "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." But the knowledge gained through the study of Christian Science, that God is everywhere present, right here, right now, and that we, His children, can know Him, the knowledge that it is through living that we are to know and see God, not through dying— this knowledge is indeed the "pearl of great price."