"AND God said, Let there be light: and there was light." This earliest fiat of infinite Mind, the spiritual creator, never has been and never can be revoked. The light that dispels the darkness and chaos of a mortal belief of creation is the truth about God and man, which, flooding the individual consciousness, brings a vision of the new heaven and new earth spoken of by John.
Where light is, darkness obviously cannot be. Now light, humanly conceived of as the effect or result of material combustion, is the accepted symbol of freedom and knowledge. Our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, perceiving the true light which forever enfolds and unfolds the universe, and boldly sweeping aside the limited concepts previously entertained, writes in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 504), "Spirit is light, and the contradiction of Spirit is matter, darkness."
When the light of spiritual understanding dawns on individual thought, the one who receives this illumination becomes conscious of a greater sense of freedom, manifested not only in improved or restored health, but also in a new trend of thought, a new sense of knowledge, of which he earnestly desires to obtain more. What really has taken place, although he may not fully comprehend it at the time, is that he has been lifted, in some measure at least, out of matter, darkness, ignorance, and bondage—out of his false belief of material existence—into the understanding of spiritual reality and his own unity therewith.