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Testimonies of Healing

My husband and I eagerly took up...

From the November 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My husband and I eagerly took up the study of Christian Science over twenty years ago, when we saw the healing of a friend who had been a bedridden invalid for some years. I knew that such a healing could have been brought about only by God's power, although at the time I knew nothing of Christian Science, except that I knew of a few people who called themselves Christian Scientists and claimed to do healing.

Recognizing God's power in this healing, which then seemed to me a wondrous miracle, I lost no time in securing a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. At first the study was a disappointment, as I could not seem to grasp its teachings; yet I could not give it up, for I felt sure that a better understanding of God was there for me, and I wanted to prove Him an ever present help and the healer of all discords. I was healed of severe headaches, of chronic constipation of some years' standing, from which materia medica gave no relief, of catarrh, and of other minor troubles.

Still it was hard for me to grasp the truths taught in Christian Science, and a great fear troubled me lest I should do wrong in giving up my chosen church for a strange, new teaching which our presiding elder and many others assured us would lead us away from God, not to Him. It seemed at the time a severe struggle; but I had tasted the healing power of Truth and had caught glimpses of a more practical religion, and I could not turn back.

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