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Testimonies of Healing

I am indeed grateful to God and...

From the April 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am indeed grateful to God and to Mary Baker Eddy for Christian Science. For fifteen years I was in very poor health, suffering from tuberculosis and floating kidney, and unable to do any kind of housework. Several physicians advised my husband to send me to the mountains, saying that I could not live in a low climate. After three years in the mountains I came home no better. Soon after my return I began to have hemorrhages of the lungs, and each attack my family thought would be the last. I was next sent to the sand-hills to find quiet and rest until the end should come, which the doctors expected at any time.

However, the family into whose home I was sent knew something of Christian Science, and asked me to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. As I had lost faith in physicians, I felt I would be glad for any comfort. I very quietly began to read the precious book, and the more I read the more I wanted to read. Soon I found I had been worshiping many gods. The one loving God then appeared to me, and immediately my diseases began to fall away as faded leaves from a tree. Since then I have been a well, strong, useful, and happy woman.

I hope so much that this testimony will help some one else to find the God I love. I am most grateful for Christian Science, and depend on it for all I have.—

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