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Testimonies of Healing

When I found Christian Science,...

From the April 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I found Christian Science, seven years ago, I was ill physically, and almost on the shoals mentally and financially. Unable to accept the ideas presented by the so-called orthodox church, and knowing nothing better to replace them, I had drifted for some years without any thought of God or any concern about the future or spirituality.

I had passed through one of the eastern state universities, and soon thereafter launched into the study of materia medica. I was in my third year of this study at the time I realized my health was gone. We were doing post-mortems on diseases of the kidneys, when I suddenly developed a malady there in a serious form. My teachers, all of whom were physicians of almost international reputation, were unable to do anything for me.

Becoming discouraged at receiving no help from materia medica, I turned first to osteopathy; then chiropractic was resorted to; and later I tried mineral springs and dieting in the hope of restored health; but continued disappointment was in store for me. Finally I went back to physicians; but they said it was impossible for me to live more than two or three weeks. According to them, I had Bright's disease in a very bad form, high blood pressure, also ulcers of the stomach.

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