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Testimonies of Healing

When I became a student of...

From the September 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I became a student of Christian Science I was one of the most miserable women living. I spent a great part of my time planning a way to end my life. I tried several different kinds of drugs, but none of them did the work they were expected to do, so I was at last forced to turn to God for relief. I earnestly prayed to Him to change my life. In less than one month Christian Science was presented to me as a study that would make me happy. I took up the earnest study of it at once; and from the first, life became buoyant with hope.

The chief reason I wanted to die was my incessant craving for drugs, which was brought on when very young through a doctor's prescription at a time of severe illness. I had been in some of the best sanitariums in the state of Texas for the cure of the drug habit, and would get relief for a short time; but that awful craving would come back, and I would again fall its victim. I can never tell the torture I underwent in these places, each time coming out barely alive; but Christian Science, through God's infinite mercy, rescued me. I was healed of this loathsome habit in less than ten days, through the daily study of the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly and constant reading of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

At the same time I was healed of an internal trouble. The doctor declared I would not be able to stand on my feet another day without an operation. For these two healings, and many, many others, I am deeply grateful; but the greatest blessing of all is to know God aright. I am proving His all-presence and all-power every day; and I now know that He is my Life. There are no words to express my real gratitude for Christian Science. I shall have to express it in works.—

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