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From the January 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE most casual observer cannot fail to appreciate the fact that the call to help the world is urgent. No one in this age has seen the world's need as did Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science; and she made ample provision to meet it. Words fail when we try to express appreciation of her marvelous wisdom and loving forethought in providing ways and means to carry on the work she inaugurated, which is to bring real freedom, health, and peace to humanity. Our beloved Leader has laid an enduring foundation; and Christian Scientists will not fail in their earnest, steadfast endeavor to acquire the intelligence, wisdom, courage, and persistency with which to carry on the task she has left them.

No one can afford to take a narrow or limited view of the world's need. Unless the viewpoint is broad, it will be of little value; it must include the whole world, and not merely a portion of it. The universal need can never be comprehended from any limited, selfish, self-seeking, or personal standpoint. No student of Christian Science is ignorant enough to imagine for one moment that error is going to cease immediately in its endeavor to prevent the truth from being established. Christian Scientists have had sufficient experience to realize that a far greater effort is required than ever before if they are to win every battle for Truth, since it is plain that the so-called forces and influences of materiality are fighting as if for their very existence.

In order to work intelligently, one needs to gain some concept of the problem; also, to have a vision clear enough to understand the way to solve it, as well as sufficient faith, hope, and courage to accomplish the solution. The first step, the recognition that there is something far wrong, something that must be corrected, has been already taken in a world-wide way. At present there is great diversity of opinion in regard to the manner of dealing with the wrong; but all agree that something must be done. This evidence of an awakening is, however, a hopeful sign; for everywhere we see the same recognition that something at least must be done to ameliorate the present conditions of the world; and we rejoice that more and more we are seeing the name of Christ linked with the recognition. Can there be any doubt that the work of Mrs. Eddy has been a great factor in bringing this about? Christian Scientists, enlightened by her teaching, are constantly, earnestly, and persistently declaring for and working for the reign of Christ on earth. Then is it a matter of wonderment that the world is waking up to glimpse the power of the Christ? And while it is cause for rejoicing that this is so, there is now even greater need than ever for intelligent work, because Christianity has come into open combat with the universal belief of error more than at any previous time in the world's history.

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