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From the January 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE teaches, and proves by demonstration, that the beneficent laws of Life, Truth, and Love are over all things. In perfect consonance with Scripture it maintains unequivocally that "God is love," and that, being infinitely good, God knows no evil, but governs man and the universe eternally by the invariable laws of divine Love, which, obeyed, result in harmony and friendship. The love of the Father-Mother God for His beloved children and, by the law of reflection, the love of the Son for the Father, establish forever the divine order of friendship.

Christ Jesus, throughout his entire earthly career, constantly and unfailingly exemplified the wonderful love of God, whom he called "Holy Father;" and, as the Bible record has it, God said of Jesus the Christ, "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." This sacred agreement or friendship of divine Mind, of God, and His idea, man, sounds the bugle call for all true worship, for all true service in the Father's vineyard.

Christian Scientists are taught to "judge not according to the appearance, but [to] judge righteous judgment," as the Master admonished. They strive to know their fellow-man as God knows man—not as material, but as spiritual, expressing the divine characteristics and qualities of God. This Christly, scientific way of thinking is of inestimable value to mankind, insomuch that the redemption of the world can be achieved in no other way. By it the avenues of war will be closed, class distinction obliterated, differing creeds merged into the understanding of the one infinite, divine Mind, the great heart of Love; and the so-called human will, in belief so disastrous and devastating in its workings, will fall at the feet of Truth, and God's will will be universally done "in earth, as it is in heaven."

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