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From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH the teachings of Christian Science we learn that God is infinite good, and that goodness is the expression of the infinite presence of God—Life, Truth, and Love; that God is Spirit; and that man is spiritual, created in God's image and likeness. This understanding, revealing man as the reflection of God, good, is as inherent in man's nature as is the harmonious unfolding of the bud into the full-blown rose. Furthermore, man is perfect, even as his Father, God, is perfect.

Why, may come the question, do we seem to see about us an erroneous concept of man, the reverse of God's image? The one must be true, the other false; the one must be real, the other unreal. It is the ability to distinguish between these opposites that gives one the right and privilege to call himself a Christian Scientist; and it is the ability so to distinguish which enables him to heal the sick and sinning and to demonstrate the true, ever present, perfect man.

A sense of encouragement always accompanies a striving toward an ideal ; but when the goal seems hopeless in its attainment, no amount of striving brings encouragement. In II Timothy we read, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God." What study could be more worth while? But how hopeless seems the task when man is viewed from a false or material basis!

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