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From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AMONG the various healing activities of the Church of Christ, Scientist, one which stands out with unmistakable prominence, possibly because it is unique in the Christian churches of the world, is the giving of testimonies of healing of sin and sickness, either verbally at the Wednesday evening testimony meetings or in the official Christian Science periodicals.

Careful observation of the published testimonies reveals that their origin, nature, and results have been subjected to a scrutiny which assures us that these brief but comprehensive statements are actual records of fact, and as such worthy of respectful attention and of credence, wiping out incredulity, replacing doubt with hope, and leading into the bright paths of health and healing. Every published testimony is an evangel of Life, Truth, and Love. These healings, brought about in exactly the same way as was done by Jesus, through the power of God, are on the same plane as those recorded in the Bible, and especially those of the New Testament by the Master and his disciples.

These published testimonies fill a considerable amount of printed space in a year, and constitute, in their entirety, a record of evidence, a mass of proof of the Christ-healing, as taught by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, impossible to discredit. It was our Leader herself who instituted the publication of these testimonies, and some idea of her estimate of their value may be gained by reading the many pages of testimonies of healing printed at the end of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," every one of which healings was accomplished through reading and studying this textbook. This mighty work of healing has extended, within the past half century, from the small band of Mrs. Eddy's early personal students to an army drawn, literally, from all the ends of the earth, from far outflung posts of civilization, from the world's great capitals, from lonely, faithful students working with God in solitary places, sometimes without one friend for companionship; and from all these places there flows into the editorial offices a flood of testimonies of such amplitude that only a small part can be printed in the space available.

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