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Testimonies of Healing

God has done great things for me,...

From the March 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

God has done great things for me, and I feel it a duty and privilege to give full glory to His name.

Due to a remarkable physical healing I received, as the result of a Christian Science treatment, I became vitally interested in God and His Word. It required several remarkable demonstrations, however, to take me out of my material beliefs concerning man, in whose future existence I had become disinterested, in spite of the fact that I had been brought up in the atmosphere of the church.

The one healing I most vividly recall was from the fear that I could not partake of any food which had the smallest amount of egg in it. I was thus made ill almost daily for more than thirty years. This fear grew to such an extent that if I stepped into an atmosphere where eggs were being prepared for a meal, I suffered. My healing was brought about in our own family through working for our infant son, who seemed to suffer in the same way, and who was healed by our declaration and acceptance of the fact that food has no power to injure God's perfect child. I was greatly surprised to find one day that I had partaken of a salad containing this food with no ill effects. This proved to me the truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 206), "In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes,—Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply."

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