During the eleven years I have been a member of the Christian Science organization I have been grateful for opportunities to express my thankfulness for the truth. One demonstration was the painless birth of a little son. Although conditions were not to mortal sense favorable, the birth occurred in two hours without pain or the use of any anaesthetic, much to the surprise of the doctor present, who said she had never seen such an occurrence. In this experience I had the help of a practitioner.
Physical healings have come to me as needed. I was nineteen when I joined a Christian Science branch church. About six months later I was surprised to find that constipation, from which I had suffered during my entire childhood, had vanished, having been forgotten during this time. It has never reappeared.
In my experience, physical healing has resulted more quickly than the healing of faults of temper and disposition. The difference seems to be that physical ills, causing discomfort, enforce mental work, whereas faults of disposition cause less evident dissatisfaction. It has been only within the past few years that I have awakened completely to the necessity of evangelizing the human self (see Science and Health, p. 254); but the task has been undertaken and some progress has been made.