It is with profound gratitude that I give the following testimony, which but vaguely expresses all that I owe to Christian Science, to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to the practitioner. Upon being called one morning, I was found to be unconscious. My eyes were set; the dew of death was upon me; and there was no heart action. A practitioner was called, and after a few hours of earnest, unwavering work my healing was accomplished. The spiritual uplift, the peace and joy which accompanied this healing, were very lovely. I know that I am guided and protected by God; and it is my daily prayer so to live that I may be worthy the name of Christian Scientist.
Many other healings and innumerable blessings have come to me through the application of this wonderful teaching. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free;" and we, as followers of the truth, prove our master's words in the daily life.
I am grateful beyond expression for the realization of my coexistence with divine Mind, God, our All-in-all. —Portland, Maine.