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Testimonies of Healing

In June of 1925 I experienced a...

From the July 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In June of 1925 I experienced a wonderful demonstration of the power of Truth. My daughter, aged twenty-four, was suddenly attacked with cholera, which was very prevalent that summer in the valleys of Kashmir. The suddenness of the attack was terrible, and the fear expressed by the doctor most alarming. It was very hard to unsee the reality of such a belief when nursing my daughter, who changed greatly in appearance in a few hours; and fear would crowd into my consciousness. So, on the second day I wired for absent treatment for her to a practitioner in the south of India. On the third day (always the worst according to the doctor) all fear left me, and I knew my daughter would recover, though the doctor had told other people she would not get through it. The nurse who arrived that night was full of fear, until I told her how mine had been destroyed. From that night my daughter's condition improved. She was eating a light diet on the sixth day, and in eighteen days' time was free of doctor and nurse, instead of the usual thirty days for a cholera case. By the end of July she was playing golf again, and everyone in this Hill Station was astounded at her marvelous recovery.

Words can never express what I feel for the wonderful help the knowledge of Christian Science was to me in that dire need, and in helping me to see the unreality of evil. My daughter's healing is perfect and permanent, and since realizing that God is her Father-Mother I have been healed of feeling anxious or responsible for her. I had to give my daughter up to God, and to realize that as His child she was being taken care of, before I felt any relief myself. It was wonderful—the hope and uplift which came to me then and stayed with me all the time. Without Christian Science, I am certain my daughter could not have pulled through.

I am more than ever grateful for this further proof of the power of Truth.—

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