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From the July 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ON page 371 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, there is a statement which should quiet the troubled human sense of inability to meet the human need, by showing the sufficiency and presence of divine help. It reads: "The necessity for uplifting the race is father to the fact that Mind can do it." Paul also affirmed this truth when he declared, "Our sufficiency is of God."

Pondering these passages, we see that a human need but hints at the divine ability to meet it; for a need that is felt, be it for intelligence, strength, goodness, purity, completeness, or charity, is but the sensing of a deep-lying conviction that all of these things are really ours, and that lack of them is illegitimate. It is a fact that God, the divine Principle of man, unceasingly demands that man express Him, and as unceasingly supplies man with the ability to do so. The longing, so inherent in the human heart, for a better and more unselfish life, is the dim perception of this fact. Owing, however, to the falsity of material existence, and the consequent sense of insecurity that accompanies it, mortals may be more conscious of the demands of God than of the supply which invariably accompanies God's demands.

This sense of inability to comply with the demands made upon us, and present in some degree in every human experience until it is illumined by a diviner sense, can be lifted at once by the recognition of "the deific law that supply invariably meets demand" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 45). Paul beautifully expressed his perception of this law in the words, "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Once assured of the presence and operation of this law, a law that is operative wherever God is and. therefore, wherever man is, we shall meet every fresh demand made upon us with only one query, not, as heretofore, "Can I meet it?" but, "Is it of God?"

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