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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a very deep sense of...

From the July 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a very deep sense of gratitude that I write this testimony for publication. When I was first led to try Christian Science (about four years ago) for healing, I was, according to the medical fraternity, a physical and nervous wreck. I had from babyhood always been more or less ailing, and for some years before turning to Christian Science for help was constantly under doctors' care, until at last I was told by them that I could not expect ever to be well until I underwent what they called a major operation. I had already submitted to two operations, each time spending over a month in the hospital and several weeks convalescing. I consulted seven doctors, also two specialists, as I was rapidly losing my eyesight and was very deaf. The latter informed me that they could give me only temporary relief, and could not even assure me that I would not be totally blind and deaf. As I used to suffer intense pain in my eyes through neuritis, a great sense of weakness and depression, and also severe nerve storms when I was filled with fear and dread, I felt that death would be a happy release from all my troubles. It seemed as if I had nothing left to live for and that I was just a burden to others. Then one day a friend who had experienced a beautiful healing through Christian Science told me of her experience, and at my request made an appointment for me with a practitioner. I shall never forget that meeting, when the God of love, who is all-powerful and ever ready to comfort and heal His children, was first presented to me as our loving Father-Mother.

In about six weeks I was able to dispense with both pairs of glasses. A little later on I could hear the services from any part of the church; whereas formerly I could not hear even when I sat in the front seat, close to the Readers' desks. My general health had also improved to a wonderful extent. Nasal sprays, eyedrops, eardrops, drugs, tonics, and various laxative and astringent injections were also cast away as worthless. I was healed of constipation (a complaint from babyhood), neuritis, intense headaches, catarrh of the head, chest, and stomach, and other complaints too numerous to mention. A large lump on my wrist disappeared before the glorious sunshine of Truth, although I had been informed that an operation would be necessary for the removal of it. There were many big battles to be fought before the storms of fear were overcome, also insomnia; but these, too, gradually disappeared.

I am indeed grateful for our loving Father-Mother God; to Christ Jesus, who so lovingly trod the narrow path that we might find our way to the Father's house; to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who so lovingly has revealed to us how to follow in the Master's footsteps; and to the dear practitioner who so lovingly and patiently helped me in those dark hours to find and hold the Father's hand, that I might be led out of darkness into light. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and a Christian Science Society. I am also grateful that I am able, through my understanding of the truth, to help others, and that my husband and our son also rely on Truth for the healing of any discordant condition.

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