Being desirous of helping my fellow-men, I am happy to bear testimony to the blessings I have received since knowing of Christian Science. First, I shall tell of a healing of defective sight, which medical science had declared incurable. I had been exhorted to have courage, and to be resigned to the conditions which would follow. I was to refrain from reading or sewing, to avoid bright light, and to sleep as much as possible, in order to avoid weakening the vision. I envied people who had a religion, but I could not become interested in any religion myself; and I said again and again, "Since God created all and saw what He had made and that it was good, why is there so much evil on the earth?" However, after hearing the testimonies given at a Christian Science Wednesday evening meeting. I saw that God is the same towards all, and I gave up my eyeglasses, never to resume the use of them. I began to read and to sew and to have the benefit of the light. I have also been healed of lymphangitis, concerning which medical diagnoses were most gloomy.
In spite of these great proofs of Truth's power to heal, I fluctuated between the letter and the spirit, which fluctuation caused me to suffer severely. I asked the help of a practitioner, who lovingly and patiently worked to overcome the discord. I had to struggle with the error called business craftiness. This was, of course, exercised at the expense of clients. My sense of truth and honesty would not permit me to indulge this, and being upheld by wisdom and Love I attacked the error, without fearing any untoward consequences. After many battles, fought without losing courage, the error yielded; and my fellow workers received the blessing which followed this warfare, in which Truth again triumphed.
I give thanks to God for the revelation of the Christ-idea, as taught us by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy; for all the Christian Science activities; and for the loving and unselfish help which I have received. I am grateful to have a practical and demonstrable religion, to have joy, and to be able to attend the Sunday services, which are likewise the fruit of demonstration.—Paris, France.