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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude for...

From the February 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for blessings received through Christian Science. Thirty-five years ago I had an attack of grippe from which I did not at that time recover fully. Stomach trouble and a general breaking down of the entire system followed. I had the best medical aid I could procure, but all to no avail. The doctors said that the lining appeared to be gone from my stomach. I could partake of only a very small quantity of food at a time, and that the most easily digested. I was ailing for one year, and spent at least half of that year in bed. Physically and financially I was badly reduced. I had a wife and four small children, and consequently a great desire to regain my health.

At that time Christian Science was not so generally known as it is today. Any remarks that I had heard in regard to it were unfavorable; but I learned that there were some people, whom I knew to be dependable, who were interested in Christian Science, and that they were giving Christian Science treatment. On that basis I said to myself that I would see if I could get help. The practitioner lived about six miles from us, and not having a team of horses—automobiles not being then in general use—we borrowed one. My wife did the driving. We reached the home of the Christian Scientist, who was one of Mrs. Eddy's students, and were made welcome. We had dinner, and I had a Christian Science treatment. When we were ready to go home I went out and helped hitch up the team, drove it home myself, and thereafter was well. I ate anything that I wanted, and as much as I wanted, with no ill effects after. One of the most remarkable things—to me—was that my natural strength came with the healing. I went right out and did all kinds of farm work, such as listing corn, sowing oats, and cutting wood.

About five years later I had the misfortune to fracture a leg. I called a doctor and a practitioner at the same time. The doctor reached me just before the Christian Scientist did. He asked me if I would take anything. I said no. I told him to do the setting of the bones, which he did, and I experienced very little pain. Before long I was healed. I am grateful for the blessings that Christian Science has brought to me, and also grateful to all who have helped us to know that God is ever present.—

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