THE Scriptures inform us that God created man in His own likeness; and Mrs. Eddy says on page 475 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that man "is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas." As such, then, man is, always has been, and always will be perfect, even as the Father in heaven is perfect, living to-day in perfection and harmony. The corporeal belief of man is but a base counterfeit of the real man. Because mortal mind, or material sense, has no knowledge of the spiritual facts of being, the corporeal sense of man is but an ignorant concept of what God's man really is.
As we understand God, as taught in Christian Science, we do not think of Him as discordant, sick, or diseased, or as growing old or manifesting senility and decrepitude. We think of Him, rather, as the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. We learn to know Him as Life, which is deathless and unchanging; as infinite divine Love, ever present and universal; and we recognize and acknowledge Him as the one omniscient, omnipresent Mind, which man reflects. We can know God only as man expresses Him; and we should strive to know man as God creates him, and to realize that neither God nor man in His likeness has ever known or manifested anything but harmony and perfection.
Now God gives man dominion. This dominion has been exhibited many times, as is recorded in the Old Testament and the New, in the working of so-called wonders. The murmurings of the doubting Israelites were silenced over and over again when their needs were supplied in the wilderness. When Moses smote the rock in Horeb with his rod, water came forth from it to meet the requirement of the moment. Elijah caused the waters of Jordan to divide, that he and Elisha might pass over to the other side. And in many other instances man's dominion was proved.