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Testimonies of Healing

It is now over thirty-three years...

From the October 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now over thirty-three years since I first heard of Christian Science. My mother, who then lived in Ontario, Canada, was very much distressed about my health, because our family physician held out no hopes for my recovery. A family friend, whom we had known for years, had come to make me a visit at that time and told my mother he had heard of something called "Christian Science," and was going to try it. When he was gone we began to think and talk about Christian Science. The great problem confronting us was how to find a practitioner, for in our home city at that time few had ever heard of this religion. After a diligent search my mother found one person who had some knowledge of Christian Science, and from that time we began the study of it.

I soon found that it was not so much physical healing I needed as mental healing. I needed the renewing of thought, freedom from wrong thinking. I was a slave to fearful thoughts; burdened with self-consciousness, false pride, self-aggrandizement, as well as self -righteousness and periods of self-condemnation. I needed more love and compassion. This renewing of consciousness did not come all at once, and for years I wrestled with "a thorn in the flesh." Along the way beautiful healings often resulted, of burns, grippe, and what seemed agonizing pain from stomach trouble. At the same time these wrestlings with the flesh meant progress. So, gradually, I am learning that it is not the socalled laws of mortal mind that are governing me, but the law of Spirit. Along the way I learned one grand lesson of obedience I should like to mention. One time, after a period of sickness, a Christian Science friend was staying with me and the practitioner whom we had called on for absent treatment told her to have me make declarations of truth. It seemed that my voice had almost gone from me, but I thought that I would be obedient and make the effort. I repeated "the scientific statement of being" from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 468), and the "Mother's Evening Prayer" (Poems, pp. 4, 5), with denials of error and affirmations of truth, and wonderful results followed in a few hours.

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science, for all I am I owe to the understanding I have gained through its teachings. As time goes on I am learning to love and revere our beloved Leader for giving us Christian Science and its clear interpretation of the Bible.—

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