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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my heartfelt...

From the April 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for the many blessings I have received from Christian Science. Before taking up the study of this beautiful truth I was very unhappy, fearing almost everything and everybody, and had lost faith in all but a very few of my friends. I shall never forget my first interview with a Christian Science practitioner. When I went to visit her I felt there was no happiness for me. On my way home I felt as though I were walking on air, and every burden had been lifted from me.

A few days after this I thought that since God is All-power, as the practitioner had told me, we did not need medicine to heal my boy, who was suffering from a kidney and bowel trouble which he was supposed to have been born with. I destroyed all the medicine he was taking; and he was healed of both difficulties. To-day he is a healthy and happy boy, and he has not tasted medicine of any kind since that day, which was over twelve years ago. I now understand that the healing took place when I turned unreservedly to God for help.

I also wish to express my gratitude for a more recent healing. One Thanksgiving night I awoke with all the symptoms of ptomaine poisoning, and I kept getting worse until I seemed almost helpless. Then a member of my family proposed calling a doctor, but I asked him to call a Christian Science practitioner instead. This he did, and before he had finished talking with the practitioner over the telephone the pain and sickness began to leave me. I went to sleep and slept all night, and was perfectly healed. For this proof, and many others, that "God is infinite, therefore ever present" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 471), I am most grateful.—

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