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From the April 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN the angelic host sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men," as recorded in Luke, they were setting forth facts of supreme importance to humanity. Their overflowing paean of praise gave expression to God's love, the fruits of which are peace and good will toward men. Christian Science has revealed the nature of God as the All-in-all; from which it follows that His good will pervades all space and is ever present.

Good will is inherent in the eternality and harmony of God and His infinite manifestation. God could not will evil for anything without involving an element of self-destruction. But infinite Love comprehends and maintains all in eternal perfection.

The good will of God is an active spiritual power, understanding of which comes to the human heart bearing glad tidings of His unchanging love. The warmth of this eternal affection attests the presence and power of good. God continues compassionately and tenderly to love man at all times. His good will is shed abroad without stint or partiality. It rests upon every individual idea in the universe. In divine Mind there is nothing but good will, and error of every sort is without a witness therein. This good will is reflected in every good thought and deed. It wills that man partake of all the blessings of divine Life. With the unbroken assurance which proceeds from His own pure consciousness of the allness of Love and its manifestation, God views all as perfect, and therefore worthy of support and good will

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