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From the April 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

PAUL made a most significant statement when he said, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose;" for, studying Paul's experience from the time he became a follower of Christ, we see that his remarkable career was the result of his spiritual understanding, and that this statement was made out of his rich experience.

In Christian Science God, good, is understood as the great I AM, divine Mind, the cause and creator of the universe, including man. It follows, then, that to love God is to love good; and no theory, philosophy, or speculative hypothesis, however ably presented, concerning God, man, and the universe, will ever bring us nearer God if we lack appreciation of and love for good. Someone may say, But how can I love good when evil seems to claim so much of my attention, and I am daily surrounded by discord and suffering? The answer is found in the life of our Master, Christ Jesus, who overcame the world with all its seeming discord and suffering, thereby proving for the benefit of all mankind that God, good, is the only power. He rebuked those who held a mistaken concept of him and his mission, and always called their attention to God, the Father, as the only good.

Christ Jesus referred to himself as the Son of God; and the close relationship existing between the Father and the Son—God and His idea—is clearly brought out in a number of his sayings, such as, "I and my Father are one;" and, "I can of mine own self do nothing." Man is never a creator; he can only reflect that which eternally is, and God's creation is wholly spiritual.

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