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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science found me in...

From the November 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science found me in the "Slough of Despond." For ten or twelve years I had been dissatisfied with doctrinal belief, although I had served in various capacities in an orthodox church and had been reared in a religious home where old-fashioned family worship was held daily and the Bible was the main guide in life.

During our two years and a half of earnest study and application of the truths found in Christian Science and with loving help from a dear practitioner, we have experienced healings of severe headaches, kidney trouble, constipation, torpid liver, colds, bronchitis, influenza; for these physical healings we are truly grateful.

I should also like to relate two mental healings which have meant much to me. When I first became a student I resented seeing the name "Christian Science," also Mrs. Eddy's name, mentioned in each and every article written, even though I was convinced of the truth of her discovery, and I knew this resentment would prove a stumblingblock to my progress. I was healed of this feeling through clinging to the meaning of the word "science," which reveals unfoldment or progress; and now I know a more fitting name than Christian Science could not have been given. As to Mrs. Eddy's name, as I continued my study and had demonstrable proof in my own experience, all my resentment gave way to sincere gratitude and I hold only deep reverence for this noble woman.

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