It was about nine years ago that I learned of Christian Science, and since then I have had many proofs of its healing and regenerating power. Before that I was always ill and the physicians had diagnosed the ailment as lung trouble. Neither the medicines which I constantly took nor the various changes of climate to which I resorted succeeded in helping me. When Christian Science was presented to me I was very low physically, and still more so mentally, for we had lost one of our children. When reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I was inclined to criticize and even to ridicule it, because its teachings were so contrary to all that I thought I knew about man and life. I had studied medicine; and God, according to my false concept of Him, was very far from us and but little concerned about His children.
Seeing me in a depressed and sickly condition some devoted friends advised me to go to a Christian Science practitioner, and I did so. I did not think it possible to be healed of my grief, but after a few visits with the practitioner a change took place in me; the sense of loss and of separation was replaced by a sense of Life without end. I never asked for special treatment for my lungs, but at the end of some months of reading and of talking with the practitioner I realized one day that I no longer coughed and that I was healed. I have also been healed of ear trouble, supposedly incurable.
Some years ago I was taken with sciatic pains in the leg. For two days and two nights I was deprived of sleep, the pain being so intense at times that I lost consciousness. The third day a practitioner was called and came to see me. The healing was nearly instantaneous, for at the end of a few minutes' treatment the pain left and I was able to go to sleep; and two or three days afterward I could go with my husband to the station. With the help of a practitioner I have been healed of the tobacco habit, which had held me in bondage for many years.