Wordsare inadequate to express the gratitude that I feel for the joy and blessings which the study of Christian Science has brought to me. Through the faithful help and patience of a loyal practitioner I have experienced many healings. Several of these have been instantaneous, such as the healing of a badly wrenched ankle; a shoulder which seemed to be dislocated, causing extreme pain when I tried to lift my arm; a little finger which seemed to be powerless and very painful as a result of being caught in a door. All these inharmonious conditions vanished instantly as soon as I had called for help and the truth had been declared, proving to me the efficacy of divine Mind to heal every ill.
I should like to speak of a recent demonstration I had of the omnipresence of Love. I ran a small inch-and-a-half screwdriver blade completely through one of my fingers, the blade protruding on the opposite side of the finger about a quarter of an inch. I pulled it out and experienced quite a sensation of pain. I declared the truth, but as the finger was bleeding a great deal and fear seemed to manifest itself, I called for help. I was assured with comforting words that no accident had ever happened to upset the harmony of God's child; and that all the pains and penalties of error's seeming power could in no way harm the perfect reflection of Principle.
I had been obliged to hold the telephone receiver with my right hand when summoning help. Upon finishing my conversation with the practitioner I looked at the injured finger and all trace of bleeding had ceased, the only discernible evidences of the accident being the small marks where the blade had been forced through the finger. There was no soreness from that time on. This was a demonstration of instantaneous healing wrought by the clear perception of Truth as applied in Christian Science. A feeling of awe and reverence to God filled my thought as I realized what had taken place. Also, there was a sense of deep love and gratitude to the practitioner through whose declaration of the truth I had received my healing.