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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies of healing in the...

From the April 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies of healing in the Christian Science periodicals have always been a source of comfort and inspiration to me. What one has proved of God's allness and goodness, all can prove. I am deeply indebted to Christian Science for happiness, life, and all that I have and know of good.

I investigated Christian Science when I found it to be my husband's religion. Through ignorance I had always been prejudiced against it. I felt that I must find out for myself just what it meant. How grateful I am that I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I had read only half of this textbook when the truth flooded my consciousness, and I found myself freed from a lifelong bondage to constipation. This began my journey out of material sense. For over twenty years I have relied upon Christian Science to meet all my needs. As the "Comforter" it has brought me a peace and joy that I never dreamed was possible. When a dear one passed through the valley of the shadow, this experience meant only a nearer, clearer understanding of God. The surrender of material selfhood has become a lighter task, and I know it means only the gaining of permanent good. When our children were born I had the aid of a Christian Science practitioner, and each experience was increasingly harmonious and joyous, and the so-called laws relating to childbirth were annulled; in one experience the birth was practically instantaneous. I am so grateful to be learning to silence the human mother-fears, and to know that our infinitely loving Father—Mother God is ever perfectly guarding His own.

For our family Christian Science has quickly and completely healed blood poisoning, rheumatism, many of the ills of childhood, malignant skin disease, severe warts, dislocations, and inharmonies in the home, by our knowing and clinging to the great truth taught by Christian Science that there is only one Mind.

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