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Testimonies of Healing

When Christian Science was first...

From the April 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christian Science was first presented to me I was a worker in an orthodox church, but many were the problems which my religion and my understanding of the Bible seemed to present.

For two or three years after hearing of Christian Science I refused to study it. Then one day I met a friend who was in great need of help and believed she could get it in Christian Science. I then realized that if there really was anything in it which could help anyone in such trouble, it was worth an earnest study with an open mind. I had not been reading the literature long before I came to the conclusion that here was a practical religion, and I found that my questions about God and the Bible were being answered. I learned that the Christian Science God is indeed a God of love, a God to be loved and not feared. The Bible, as illuminated by "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, became a new book to me.

From that time I have relied on God for all physical healings, and I have had many, some instantaneous. I am indeed grateful for the healing of very severe sick headaches from which I had suffered all my life; also for much greater physical strength and greater power of endurance. But I am most grateful for the harmony and peace Christian Science has brought into my life, and the assurance that it can at all times and under all circumstances meet my every need.

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