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From the September 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Your tents, O world, are pitched in Rephidim,
Where no water is for your famishing.
You shall go onward; you shall find a Rock.
It has followed you through your wilderness—
Throughout dark ages; it is shadowing you today.
It will break your old stubbornness;
It will bring warmth to your coldness.
You will turn to it in your deep longing,
And you will feel the rod of wisdom touch the Rock.
Then from a source you have not known shall gush
Cleansing waters. They will cool your wayward feet;
They will slake your ancient thirst for substance,
Wash the dust from your eyes, the stains from your hands;
They will lave your boundaries, war-drawn 'twixt
Brothers, on coveted plots of the earth;
For the Rock which is Truth will do all things:
It will support you, and it will lead you.
When you seek it, you shall find it, for it is near;
And you shall stand upon the Rock.

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