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From the September 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists are fortunate in having been given in the teachings of their Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, a standard of conduct, a standard of right thinking and living, that remains unaffected by the many phases of material belief encountered in the world today. Christian Scientists are encouraged by the following words on page vii of the Foreword in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," reprinted from The Christian Science Journal of May, 1906: "Deeds, not words, are the sound test of love; and the helpfulness of consistent and constant right thinking—intelligent thinking untainted by the emotionalism which is largely self-glorification is a reasonable service which all Christian Scientists can render their Leader."

Supply is one of the many problems of everyday life about which we can think intelligently. Most of us have considered substance to be only that which we can see, feel, taste, touch, or smell. Often we have thought of it in terms of wealth and property. In other words, substance has been regarded as something material. Christian Science defines "substance" as true thought, spiritual and eternal. And this is in accordance with Scriptural teaching on the subject, wherein we learn that substance is "the evidence of things not seen."

By earnest study of our textbooks, the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," we learn how to prove our way in Christian Science by prayer and by practice. As a result of spiritual instruction and faithful effort, we find ourselves acquiring a new and higher sense of values. Physical healing results when we realize man's unchanging status as the reflection of God, good. This realization displaces in our consciousness the false belief that man is material, subject to sickness and suffering. Thought, thus corrected, receives an impetus to higher demonstration.

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