I should like to show my gratitude in this brief testimony for the great help obtained from the study and application of Christian Science. It has enabled me to distinguish the true from the false, and is daily helping me to cast out the latter.
I had always considered that the churches were not putting spiritual life first in all circumstances, especially in the healing of disease; but I have found that this Science meets every need, and that there is no problem which it cannot solve.
I was very unhappy in my business environment and conditions appeared to be getting worse, until I realized that Christian Science could help me. I had a talk with a practitioner, who has been a wonderful source of help and guidance to us, and she explained that in God's kingdom—divine Mind —each of His children must be in his right place; also that I must express more love in my life and try to see my superior officer in his true selfhood as a child of God. The problem was happily solved in an unexpected way, showing me that when our thinking is corrected we can safely leave the solution to divine Love.