Christian science today is revealing God to mankind in a truly marvelous way; and anyone may learn of this revelation and make it his own by study of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings. Not only so, anyone may put to the test the truth concerning God and His creation, including individual man, a knowledge of which he has acquired through study of Christian Science: he can apply this truth to the various problems incidental to human experience, thus solving them. This has been done by a great number of people during the last sixty-nine years. All manner of disease has been healed, all manner of sin has been overcome, and in numerous instances where discord and dismay had reigned, harmony and peace have been established through Christian Science.
When one has had a problem solved through Christian Science— it may have been a healing of disease, or sin, or lack—naturally he is desirous of knowing something about the organization which has made it possible for him to benefit as he has done. On inquiry he learns that this organization is The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, with its branch churches and societies throughout the world. And, naturally again, his heart goes out in gratitude to The Mother Church, through whose instrumentality his healing came. It is worthy of note that but for The Mother Church, with its many well-organized activities, the truth which Christian Science reveals might never have reached him unadulterated.
Now, with his gratitude increasing for the benefits he has received, as it is sure to do, the student of Christian Science inquires more particularly about The Mother Church, perhaps of friends who are members of it, and he finds that its numerous activities are governed by its Church Manual—Mrs. Eddy's gift to her Church—those very activities which have blessed and are blessing him. What are they? Among them are the Sunday services and the Wednesday testimony meetings; the work of authorized practitioners and nurses; the Bible Lessons in the Christian Science Quarterly; the lectures by authorized lecturers, the members of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship; class instruction by authorized teachers; the Committee on Publication; The Christian Science Publishing Society, with the periodicals— the Journal, Sentinel, Herald, and Monitor—issued by it. A vast organization functioning under the By-Laws and Rules of the Manual, and wisely supervised by The Christian Science Board of Directors, which Board itself acts under the Manual!