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From the June 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Righteous prayer is always answered, for it discerns that only good exists in the divine Mind; and it accepts this good as spiritual and real, and forever expressed by man and the universe. All the good that can be desired by human beings is now, always has been, and always will be in Mind, God; and, by reflection, it belongs to man. In reality, then, the good for which we pray is eternally existent in the Supreme Being,and is eternally manifest in His spirtual universe and His perfect man. This true view of prayer and the everlasting answer makes possible a clear understanding of that wonderful deific promise given to Isaiah: "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."

 Christian Science is revealing to mankind the true nature of prayer. It teaches that scientific prayer is based upon a correct understanding of God and man. Those who would pray aright must seek and find God. They must learn the truth not only about God's being and attributes, but also about His perfect ideas. While he is seeking this understanding, the spiritually-minded learner first asks for that which he believes God possesses and wills for him to have; and then, as he finds God and learns that man reflects Him, he discerns the spiritual fact that in reality he already has what he has been asking for. Petition has been changed into affirmation, for the highest prayer is found to be discernment of the good which Deity is eternally expressing in all His ideas. When one prays rightly, he realizes that his true selfhood always reflects the spiritual good which he desires. As a result, that which is good is manifested in his daily experience and affairs. He expresses the activity, alertness, and intelligence which are in and of the divine Mind, and, consequently, he receives protection, guidance, supply. Proportionately as he reflects Life, Truth, and Love, all that is opposed to this triad of good is excluded from his experience.

On the first page of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy writes, "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,— a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love." Here are given three progressive steps in spiritual thinking—faith, understanding, and love. These constitute true prayer and lead to the at-one-ment with God which brings health, holiness, and immortality into present experience. Faith, understanding, and love—unselfed love! These stages of spiritual development are progressive. Faith represents the beginning of an understanding of prayer, and unselfed love its highest attainment.

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