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From the June 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In all her writings our Leader impresses upon us that the one thing needful, the one thing that is of vital importance for us all, is to gain the knowledge of God; and it is this knowledge which is the priceless gift of Christian Science to the world.

Christian Science gives us certain synonyms for God which help us to understand better His infinite perfection, and "the marvellous unity of man with God," to quote from Mrs. Eddy's work "Unity of Good" (p. 5). In Science and Health we read that God is Principle (see p.465). Principle is defined as origin, source; and in every difficulty that may arise, Christian Science teaches that we must start our reasoning from Principle, and must go back to Principle to find the remedy. Perhaps, however, we do not always remember that in order to do this we must find our own actual origin in and of Principle, Spirit, Mind, divine Love. Are we always recognizing that our own actual being, what we know and are, emanates from God, from perfect Principle? Nothing less than this recognition of man's unity with his divine origin, this spiritual basis of thought and action, will set us free from the burdens which mortal mind is constantly endeavoring to lay upon us. One of the most prevalent of these burdens is responsibility.

This is one of the many cares imposed upon us as we outgrow the free and happy years of childhood. Part of being "grown-up" is that we now have "responsibilities"; and so we are apt to accept them as inevitable, even while groaning under them. We fail to realize that we are really taking these burdens on to ourselves, and that none of them actually belongs to us. We know the Bible says, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord," but we do not always see how to do this.

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