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From the June 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Ever about his Father's business, Christ Jesus was indeed the most successful man that ever lived. There is no record of failure on his part to accomplish aught that he set out to do, be it to provide health for the sick, food for the hungry, sight for the blind, hearing for the deaf, or joy for the sorrowing. He knew that his Father's business, always reflecting divine activity, unfailingly brings right results.

This great and successful business, in which the Master was ever engaged, was the practice of Christian Science; and that is the business we must engage in if we would follow him. In her writings elucidating her discovery of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy gives complete rules for practicing it. Each one who has learned something, no matter how little, of the truth about God and man revealed in this Science, and earnestly strives to practice it, is about the Father's business.

Christian Science is based on the Bible. Its activities are the activities of God's business, and we are in that business exactly to the extent that we practice its teachings. This practice observes no limits of time or place in serving. It is not a business to be followed only on certain days or during certain hours; it is a full-time business, requiring every hour of every day. To be in the Father's business one must be about it constantly, earnestly working to gain a higher understanding of both the letter and the spirit of Christian Science, and greater ability to help those seeking its ministrations, as well as to heal whatever is discordant or destructive in world conditions. Can such a business ever be limited in its operations, or ever be curtailed in its unfoldment of good?

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