Christian Science was presented to me twenty years ago by a dear neighbor, who expressed so much good that I was led to inquire into this beautiful religion.
The healings have been numerous, some instantaneous, others requiring more effort and consecration. A few of the many physical ills which yielded immediately were headaches and a severe burn caused by holding a lighted match box. A near relative was healed of pneumonia. I am grateful for these healings, but more so for the understanding Science gives us of the Bible, which before I had not even tried to fathom.
I should like to tell of a healing received by a member of my family at a Christian Science lecture. It was necessary for this person to do the driving, and as he had been having serious trouble with an eye for several days, it seemed almost impossible for him to do so. He was determined to go, however, and was well repaid, for when he came out the eye was in perfect condition. In fact, the healing was so complete that he could not recall which eye had given the trouble. Truly our lectures are filling a great need and, if we are receptive, we cannot fail to receive a rich blessing when we attend them.