Among the many helpful statements to be found in the writings of Mrs. Eddy, the following sentence on pages 149 and 150 of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" always brings me a great deal of comfort and inspiration: "Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee." Time and time again, and under varied circumstances and conditions, have I proved the truth of the above statement.
Here I shall relate but one of the experiences I have had in which this particular truth has been proved. When I was quite a young student of Christian Science, the firm for which I was working transferred me from a position in which I had been extremely happy, and for which I considered myself particularly well adapted, to one that involved duties which seemed to me to be most unpleasant and distasteful. I had been studying Christian Science long enough to know that one does not work out a problem by running away from it; but, because I could not see why an experience like this should come to me, I discussed the matter with a practitioner. He lovingly pointed out that there was unquestionably a very definite reason for this change. Perhaps I was really needed in that position at that particular time; or, perhaps there were some lessons for me to learn.
It took me several years to work out of that position, but words fail to express my gratitude for being forced to do this work. Many blessings resulted, not only for me, but for others also. Through contacts made in that position, I was able to introduce Christian Science to several people. In the course of my duties, I learned of several instances where healing was very much needed, but where it seemed inadvisable to present Christian Science. I am glad to say that through impersonal work— that is, clearing my own thought— some beautiful healings took place. Last, but not least, many much needed lessons were learned—lessons in humility, patience, love, and tolerance. Thus, I was able to prove beyond a doubt that no matter how difficult or disagreeable a problem may appear to be, there are always blessings in store for us, if we will but endeavor to face it humbly and courageously. And possibly this testimony would not be complete if I failed to mention the fact that many of the lessons I learned in that position prepared me in a great measure for the position that followed, which was in every way much pleasanter and more interesting.