It is with joy and deep gratitude that I give this testimony.
I took up the study of Christian Science about ten years ago, after being told by one of the outstanding medical specialists that he had exhausted all the skill at his command, and that there was nothing further he could do for me. Ten years prior to this time I had had ulcers of the stomach, accompanied by internal hemorrhages. After this acute stage had passed I underwent a tonsillectomy, since the tonsils were supposed to be the seat of infection. I was on a special diet and monthly visited the specialist for various tests. I took medicine daily and was told I must do so for the rest of my life. Conscientiously I obeyed these laws laid down to me by materia medica, but in 1929 another acute attack, with accompanying hemorrhages, presented itself. I again had the best medical aid possible. I was forced to go to bed, and after several weeks without any improvement, I was given the afore-mentioned verdict. I was in a desperate condition, and my one thought was to end it all.
It was then recommended that I take up the study of Christian Science. I fought this idea for some time, but was finally willing to grasp at anything.