For over twenty years I have enjoyed the rich blessings of Christian Science. I have received many physical healings, sometimes through my own understanding and sometimes through the help of a practitioner. The evidence of Truth is mounting overwhelmingly in my experience. Lost and stolen articles have been returned; a comfortable home amid harmonious surroundings was found during the so-called depression years; I have secured employment and financial assistance in many unexpected ways; in fact, Christian Science has never failed to meet my every need when I have been faithful in applying my understanding of it.
I am grateful for the help Christian Science has been in the bringing up of my children. My daughter was completely healed of a serious physical difficulty brought on by the use of improper serum for vaccine at a school she attended. She was also healed of ivy poisoning. Serious earaches were overcome in her early experience, and she has never had a recurrence. My son was healed of an infection on his head, which had gained considerable start before Christian Science treatment was taken up. A doctor, who had been asked to examine the boy at the request of a member of the family not interested in Christian Science, described it as an arrested carbuncle. He marveled at the checking of the condition and at its complete removal.
I am very grateful for the Christian Science Sunday School and for the privilege of attending as a pupil and later serving as a teacher. The Sunday school is helping the children to work out their own problems with the truths they are taught.