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From the January 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After visiting the rock-bound coast of Maine for many years, the writer is much impressed with the great usefulness and unselfishness of lighthouse keepers. In their picturesque and rugged settings, during many years they have stood as lone sentinels, faithful to their duty at any cost. In many cases, their quarters have been cramped and meager, and their activities restricted. And yet how great has been their influence on untold numbers! They have been faithful to the responsibility of their trust. They could never be tardy. The great lights had to shine clearly at appointed times, the reflectors must be spotless, so that the great beams might penetrate the blackness of the night as far as possible, thus affording protection to those traveling at sea. Even so may the student of Christian Science be a faithful keeper of the light of Truth that his brother man may find in him a true spiritual guide to the salvation taught by Christ Jesus.

It is our responsibility as Christ Jesus' followers to express so much of Love and Truth that we shall be an inspiration and help to those who have not as yet perceived the full import of his teachings as revealed for this and future ages by Mary Baker Eddy in the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Jesus, the great Master, said to his immediate followers, "Ye are the light of the world." It is necessary that we too prove in our own experience what Christian Science does for health and morals. Then we can go farther in helping the sick, the sinning, and the sorrowing ones. The example of works, rather than words, witnesses to one's dominion over evil beliefs.

Reflection calls for the expression of Christlike qualities of thought. We need to be on guard that only joyous, harmonious, pure thoughts enter and remain in consciousness if we are to fulfill our mission. How else can one help others to turn away from the false concept of man and behold God's spiritual likeness? Communion with the infinite Father-Mother brings a holy, uplifting peace, and a radiance and freedom which only spiritual thinking can give. Error tries to break the realization of man's at-one-ment with God, which is mankind's source of inspiration and strength.

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